KANJANI∞ members Murakami Shingo (27), Maruyama Ryuhei (25), and Yasuda Shota (24) attended the press conference of an upcoming special TV program called ‘地球不思議大紀行 生命の海の謎を追え!(Lit. Great Journey among the World’s Mysteries: Find the Secrets of the Sea of Life!)’ which will be broadcast on July 20th from 14:55.
The special program discusses environmental problems and is shown annually on ‘Marine Day (海の日: Japanese national holiday)’. The 3 members will become ‘investigators’ and each head out on a ‘mission’ to various oceans and seas around the world to find out whether or not Planet Earth has a bright future.
Murakami examined the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and seemed to have been shocked by the grim situation. But on a positive note he mentioned “If we all start from the little things we can do, I think our planet still has hope.” “When we eat lunch backstage we’ve started to drink from one big plastic bottle by using paper cups.”
He told reporters that they had used to each drink from their own plastic bottles. KANJANI∞ has straightaway started caring for the environment from the ground-up.
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