Nobody doubts that "Gokusen: The Movie" is going to be a huge success and with an estimated box-office revenue of over 5 billion yen it’s probably going to be a nice end to the series that lasted for 7 years. Nakama Yukie once again put on the trademark jersey of the tough teacher with a big heart for the stage greeting on its opening day. "I’m full of gratitude to everyone."
About 700 tried to find a seat at 7:20am in the morning to be one of the first to see the grand final of the Gokusen series. Toho expected a big congestion for the tickets and decided to give them away via a lottery for both, last week’s preview screening and Saturday’s first official screening (incl. stage greeting) – more than 40,000 applied for the tickets. The movie then opened in 409 theaters nation-wide and according to Toho it’s already running more successful than "ALWAYS – Zoku 3chome no Yuhi" in 2007. ALWAYS made 4.56 billion yen, but Gokusen is even expected to cross the 5 billion yen in total box-office revenues.
The theater got filled with shouts of joy when Yankumi (Nakama) led the cast on stage. It’s probably going to be one of the last times we are going to see her wearind that red jersey. When finishing the movie, even the usual calm and cool Nakama had teary eyes, but at the stage greeting she was all bright again.
"I think it’s incredible that she always red the book all night long, never had or at least never showed any injuries or illness during the filming, she also never complained about a single thing or bad-mouthed other people. I’m sad that it’s coming to an end, but Yankumi is going to live forever." Director Sato Toya thanked Nakama for how seriously she worked on the project. Nakama herself stayed into her role as the strong Yankumi until the end and commented, "When you laugh, cry and enjoy yourself; when you go back home afterwards and feel refreshed, then I’m happy!"
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